Hiking Ensign Peak

Hiking Ensign Peak
My cute exercising family!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

work that butt!

everyone I talk to wants a cute, high, round,
'pokey out' tush...

 ...try this workout to get it.

*Squeeze those glutes with every rep*
warm up 10 min- cardio your choice
sumo squats - 18 reps with weight, work up to 35lb
butt to ankle squats - arms extended out front - 20 reps

kneeling donkey kicks (on hands and knees)
-kick out behind you, and then up to the ceiling, 20 reps each, alternate legs.

hip raises - weighted, work up to10 lb each hand on hips. Lay on back, keep shoulders on floor, weights on hips. Lift up and squeeze glutes, 10 reps, then lift and do 20 little pulses, do 10 more full up and down raises. Lift and sway side to side for 10 then finish with 10 full raises.

glute curls - lay on your stomach, chin on hands. Hold rolled towel behind knee and bend knee to hold it in place. Extend one leg out flat on floor. Curl leg holding towel in place, in toward your butt, raising hip off the floor, squeeze each rep. 15 reps, move towel to opposite leg and repeat.

Repeat entire sequence 3 times

...finish with 30 min cardio your choice...
getting heart rate to 55-85% of max heart rate.

calculation for finding your Target Heart Rate or THR
220-(your age)-resting heart rate x .70 + resting heart rate = THR (beats/min)

Best health! Ruthann

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Healthy carbs are essential to our diet. They provide esential energy, minerals and vitamins for our body.
However, making the best choices of all the foods available
to us can be tricky...always choose the most natural form of carbs available.

  • Start with staying away from processed white flour, rice, bagels, highly processed foods, like baked goods, chips, crackers. These convert to glucose quickly and cause unhealthy spikes and crashes in our blood sugar levels.
  • boxed pasta meals, frozen meals, packaged desserts and other convenience type foods.
  • refined sugars in soda, sweet teas, juices
  • boxed sweet cereals
  •  candy
  •  high fructose corn syrup, white & brown sugar. When reading labels, look for anything that ends in 'ose'
  • 100% whole wheat or stone ground in bread and flour 
  •  beans and legumes
  • whole fruits
  • fresh vegetables
  • brown rice, quinoa and other healthy grains
  • oats
*Some packaged cereals say they have whole grains but with all the chemical additives, and the processing, it isn't the best choice.
Grains and oats are always better.

Best Health, Ruthann